Alright. I need to clear the air here. This summer, I will be coming up on my eighth year of being lacto-ovo vegetarian. For the past two weeks or so, I have been studying up on veganism and the benefits/detriments of having such a diet/making such a choice.
Now, being a talker-out-loud-and-then-much-louder-of-everything-I'm-thinking, I have been sharing this information I've been reading with many people, mostly, anybody who will listen.
I have been abandoned by pretty much everyone. There is absolutely no support for a vegan diet in my life, outside of my best friend, and my boyfriend. (Two people-the only two people I know evidently-who have considered this diet themselves) Even the many vegetarians I know took the stance of "now that's fraking crazy. I could never give up eggs." Which is strange, because I'm sure the anti-flesh-eaters out there get sick of the "But....don't you miss bacon?" argument.
So let's get this straight. My reasons for becoming vegetarian are as follows. (And this is not something I usually talk about) I believe everything has a soul. I cannot differentiate between a human, cat, or dog, and a fish, chicken, pig, or cow. Most people can. They see certain beings as "food" and certain beings as "pets" and "friends." I really can't. I also can't have a wonderful day, see a sunset, or go swimming at a beach and think that the warm fuzzy feeling I get from that was something I knowingly took away from another living creature. Even if it wasn't with my own hands, I feel as if I caused it.
The investigating I've been doing has me considering veganism because it's become really apparent to me that being vegetarian is only the beginning. Yes, maybe the dairy cows and egg laying hens are allowed to live but it's not a good life. I've read about chickens getting their beaks burned off without anaesthesia (imagine your lips being cauterized) and a very disturbing quote about the connection to veal that the dairy industry has: "In every glass of milk, there's a pound of veal." Meaning, cows are impregnated to keep them lactating, and what the hell else are you going to do with all those calves?
Enough shock tactics! There's also been the environmental bippity-bop: it takes seven pounds of grain to produce just one pound of meat (yes, any meat, even bacon) and the water saved by being vegan for just one day could sustain another human life for eight whole days.
So. What am I trying to say here? What exactly does this blog post mean?
I just wanted to explain myself. Lots of people don't care, or don't want to hear it, or have made some pretty ignorant/offensive comments at me since I've started talking about this. You don't have to agree with me, and I swear I won't try and convert you (unless you want recipes and website links and junk) I just would like people to hear me out. I'm not doing this to be "trendy" and I don't claim to be better/healthier/more ethical then any of you. All inconsiderate comments (in life and on the webbernets) will be responded with "did you read my blog post?" and/or a sarcastic witty comeback, as is my style.
Oh, and please, for the love of god. Stop asking me if I miss bacon.
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